Form Preview

In Form Preview, validate and confirm the information submitted by you in the application. After validating the information, you need to make the required payment for obtaining the new license.

To view Form Preview screen:

On the Upload Documents screen, click. Next. The Form Preview screen is displayed.

To submit Fresh License Application:

1.   On the Form Preview screen, select the declaration check box.

2.   Click Submit. The User Confirmation Message dialog box is displayed.

3.   Click Yes to proceed to payment. The Make Payment screen is displayed.

4.   Select the desired payment type and click Go to make payment through that type. The different payment types are explained below.



Instrument number

Enter the demand draft number.

Amount to be paid (Rs.)

The amount payable is displayed by default.

Bank Name

Enter the name of the bank from which you created the demand draft.

Amount of Instrument (Rs.)

Enter the amount of the demand draft.

Instrument Date

Select the date when you drew the demand draft.



Acknowledgement No.

Enter the acknowledgement number received after making the online payment.

Amount to be paid (Rs.)

The amount payable is displayed by default.

Bank Name

Enter the name of the bank through which you made the payment.

Enter your IFSC code

Enter the IFSC code of your bank branch.

Date of Payment

Select the date when you made the payment.

Enter your Account Number

Enter your bank account number.

Amount of Payment (Rs.)

Enter the amount of the payment made.

5.   Enter the necessary details for the selected payment type and click Submit. An Acknowledgement dialog box is displayed containing the Unique Reference Number (URN).

6.   Click OK.


This completes the Fresh License application process. After you successfully submit the form and make the payment, it is sent to IRDA. The action taken by IRDA on the form is conveyed to you in the form of email notifications.