User Profile

When you login to the portal, the User Profile screen is displayed. On this screen, you can change your password and update profile.

To Change Password:

1.   On the User Profile screen, click Change Password. The Change Password screen is displayed.

2.   In Old Password field, enter the current password.

3.   In New Password field, enter the new password.

4.   In Confirm New Password field, re-enter the new password.

5.   Click Change Password. An Acknowledgement dialog box is displayed notifying that your password has changed successfully.

6.   Click OK.

To Update User Profile:

1.   On the User Profile screen, click Update User Profile. The Update User Profile screen is displayed.

2.   In Contact Details, you can update all your contact related information.

3.   Click Submit. An Acknowledgement dialog box is displayed notifying that your profile has been successfully updated.

4.   Click OK.

You can update the rest of the details through the Modification tab. However, you can view this tab only after you become a licensed surveyor.