Login Process

To access the portal:

To access the BAP portal, you need to login by entering valid credentials.


1.   Open a browser and enter the following address: www.irdabap.org.in. The IRDA BAP portal home page is displayed.

2.   Click Login. The IRDA BAP portal login screen is displayed.

3.   In User field, enter your user ID.

4.   In Password field, enter your password.

5.   Click Log On. The Change Password screen is displayed if you are logging in for the first time or if your current password is in use for 90 days or more. Otherwise, the User Profile page is displayed.


If the Change Password screen is displayed:

1.   In Old Password field, enter your current password.

2.   In New Password field, enter your new password.

3.   In Confirm Password field, re-enter your new password.

4.   Click Change to change the password or click Cancel to return to the login screen.

To Log Off from the portal:

1.   Click Log Off. A Log Off confirmation dialog box is displayed.

2.   Click Yes to log off or click No to go back to the previous screen.